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Lisp/Scheme | 1994-05-28 | 6.5 KB | 235 lines | [TEXT/xlsp] |
- ; useful stuff for object programming
- (in-package "XLISP")
- (export '(defclass defmethod definst classp))
- ; filter certain keyword arguments for passing argument list to superclass
- (defun remove-keys (keys list)
- (cond ((null keys) list)
- ((null list) 'nil)
- ((member (car list) keys)
- (remove-keys (remove (car list) keys) (cddr list)))
- (t (cons (car list) (remove-keys keys (cdr list))))))
- ; fix so that classes can be named (requires PNAME ivar in class Class)
- ; The source files have been modified for PNAME instance variable,
- ; and printing of class PNAME if it exists.
- (send class :answer :set-pname
- '(name)
- '((setf pname (string name))))
- ; *setf* property of SEND is set to allow setting instance variables
- (setf (get 'send '*setf*)
- #'(lambda (obj ivar value)
- (send obj :set-ivar
- #-:packages (get ivar 'ivarname)
- #+:packages ivar
- value)))
- ; (defclass <classname> [(<instvars>) [(<classvars>) [<superclass>]]])
- ; defclass sets up access methods for all instance and class variables!
- ; an instance variable can be of form <ivar> or (<ivar> <init>)
- ; :ISNEW is automatically defined to accept keyword arguments to overide
- ; default initialization.
- (defmacro defclass (name &optional ivars cvars super
- &aux (sym (gensym)) (sym2 (gensym)))
- ; CIVAR is instance variable list with init values removed
- (let ((civars (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (if (consp x) (car x) x))
- ivars)))
- `(progn ; Create class and assign to global variable
- (setf ,name
- (send class :new
- ',civars
- ',cvars
- ,@(if super (list super) nil)))
- ; Set the name ivar of the class
- (send ,name :set-pname ',name)
- ; Generate the :<ivar> and :<cvar> methods
- ,@(mapcar #'(lambda (arg)
- `(send ,name
- :answer
- #-:packages ,(intern (strcat ":" (string arg)))
- #+:packages ,(intern (string arg) :keyword)
- 'nil
- '(,arg)))
- (append civars cvars))
- ; The method needed to set the instance variables
- (send ,name :answer :set-ivar
- '(,sym ,sym2)
- '((case ,sym
- ,@(mapcar #'(lambda (arg)
- #-:packages `(,arg (setq ,arg ,sym2))
- #+:packages `(,(intern (string arg)
- :keyword)
- (setq ,arg ,sym2))
- )
- (append civars cvars))
- (t (send-super :set-ivar ,sym ,sym2)))))
- ; Set the ivarname property of the :<ivar> symbols
- #-:packages ,@(mapcar #'(lambda (arg)
- `(setf (get
- #-:packages ',(intern (strcat ":" (string arg)))
- 'ivarname)
- ',arg))
- civars)
- ; Generate the :ISNEW method
- (send ,name
- :answer :isnew
- '(&rest ,sym &key ,@ivars &allow-other-keys)
- ; first :ISNEW setfs
- ; for all its declared instance variables
- '(,@(mapcar #'(lambda (arg)
- `(setf (send self
- #-:packages ,(intern (strcat ":"
- (string arg)))
- #+:packages ,(intern (string arg)
- :keyword)
- )
- ,arg))
- civars)
- ; then the remaining initialization arguments are
- ; passed to the superclass.
- (apply #'send-super
- (cons ':isnew
- (remove-keys
- ',(mapcar #'(lambda (arg)
- #-:packages (intern (strcat ":"
- (string arg)))
- #+:packages (intern (string arg)
- :keyword)
- )
- civars)
- ,sym)))
- self))
- ,name)))
- ; (defmethod <class> <message> (<arglist>) <body>)
- (defmacro defmethod (cls message arglist &rest body)
- `(send ,cls
- :answer
- ,message
- ',arglist
- ',body))
- ; (definst <class> <instname> [<args>...])
- (defmacro definst (cls name &rest args)
- `(setf ,name
- (send ,cls
- :new
- ,@args)))
- ; (extensions suggested by Jim Ferrans)
- (defun classp (name)
- (when (objectp name)
- (eq (send name :class) class)))
- (defmethod class :superclass () superclass)
- (defmethod class :messages () messages)
- (defmethod object :superclass () nil)
- (defmethod object :ismemberof (cls)
- (eq (send self :class) cls))
- (defmethod object :iskindof (cls)
- (do ((this (send self :class) (send this :superclass)))
- ((or (null this)(eq this cls))
- (eq this cls))))
- (defmethod object :respondsto (selector &aux temp)
- (do ((this (send self :class) (send this :superclass)))
- ((or (null this)
- (setq temp
- (not (null (assoc selector
- (send this :messages))))))
- temp)
- (setf temp nil)))
- (defmethod class :ivars () ivars)
- (defmethod class :pname () pname)
- ; :Storeon returns a list that can be executed to re-generate the object.
- ; It relies on the object's class being created using DEFCLASS, so the
- ; instance variables can be generated.
- (defmethod object :storeon (&aux cls ivlist res)
- (setq cls
- (send self :class)
- ivlist
- (do ((ivars (send cls :ivars)
- (append (send super :ivars) ivars))
- (super (send cls :superclass)
- (send super :superclass)))
- ((eq super object) ivars))
- res
- (mapcan #'(lambda (x)
- (let ((temp
- #-:packages (intern (strcat ":" (string x)))
- #+:packages (intern (string x) :keyword)
- ))
- (list temp
- (let ((y (send self temp)))
- (if (and y
- (or (symbolp y)
- (consp y)))
- (list 'quote y)
- y)))))
- ivlist))
- (append (list 'send (intern (send cls :pname)) ':new)
- res))
- ; For classes we must use a different tact.
- ; We will return a PROGN that uses SENDs to create the class and any methods.
- ; It also assumes the global environment. None of the DEFxxx functions
- ; are needed to do this.
- ; because of the subrs used in messages, :storeon cannot be used to
- ; generate a reconstructable copy of classes Object and Class.
- ; Class variables are not set, because there are no class methods in XLISP
- ; to do this (one would have to create an instance, and send messages to
- ; the instance, and I feel that is going too far).
- (defmethod class :storeon (&aux (classname (intern pname)))
- (nconc (list 'progn)
- (list (list 'setq classname
- (list 'send 'class :new ivars cvars
- (if superclass
- (intern (send superclass :pname))
- nil))))
- (list (list 'send classname :set-pname pname))
- (mapcar #'(lambda (mess &aux
- (val (if (typep (cdr mess) 'closure)
- (get-lambda-expression (cdr mess))
- (list nil nil mess))))
- (list 'send classname :answer
- (first mess)
- (list 'quote (cdadr val))
- (list 'quote (cddr val))))
- messages)))
- (setq *features* (cons :classes *features*))